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First Date | Last Date | Rank | Names or Initials | Surname | Unit | Comments |
01/06/1917 | 01/06/1917 | Lt | R.F. | Fagan | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
08/05/1917 | 16/09/1917 | Lt | Ray Templer | Fagan | 5 Reserve Squadron, 71 Squadron | |
24/10/1916 | 26/11/1916 | 2/Lt | James | Fairbairn | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
26/11/1916 | 22/12/1916 | 2/Lt | James V. | Fairbairn | 54 Squadron | |
16/06/1917 | 07/06/1918 | 2/Lt, Lt | Hugh Kingsley | Fairbrother | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
2/Lt | Fairweather | 73 Squadron | ||||
23/08/1915 | 15/10/1915 | Lt | Cecil Roy Leonard | Falcy | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
2/Lt | Falkenburg | 73 Squadron | ||||
02/05/1916 | 27/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Albert Baird | Fanstone | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
24/07/1916 | 18/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Milton Savage | Faraday | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | |
16/01/1918 | 16/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Leonard Joseph | Farley | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
16/01/1919 | 17/02/1919 | Lt | Roland Ernest | Farmer | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
04/05/1917 | 23/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Donald Frank | Farrar | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
01/12/1917 | 23/06/1918 | 2/Lt, Lt | Donald Frederick | Farrar | 74 Training Squadron | |
23/10/1917 | 12/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Hugh Richard | Farren | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
01/10/1915 | 06/01/1916 | Lt | Earl Webster | Farrow | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron | |
08/12/1917 | 11/01/1918 | Lt | William Hastings | Farrow | 28 Training Squadron | |
11/12/1915 | 14/03/1916 | 2/Lt | Goldwin Lloyd | Faulkner | 5 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
2/Lt | A. H. J. | Fellowes | 19 Squadron | |||
05/02/1919 | 13/07/1919 | 2/Lt | Evelyn Kenneth | Fellowes | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
18/12/1915 | 25/01/1916 | Capt | Bertram Charles | Fellows | 5th Brigade | |
17/07/1917 | 18/12/1917 | 2/Lt, Lt | Frank Best | Felstead | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
30/01/1917 | 30/03/1917 | 2/Lt | A.R. | Felton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
30/01/1917 | 28/03/1917 | 2/Lt | Clifford Twyford | Felton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
24/08/1916 | 19/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Jack Basil | Fenton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
07/03/1918 | 10/06/1918 | Capt | Henry Martin | Ferreira | HQ 25th Wing | |
26/02/1917 | 26/02/1917 | Lt | Clifton Gordon | Ferrell | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
25/01/1916 | 26/04/1916 | Capt | O.D. | Filley | 34 Squadron | U.S.A. |
10/08/1917 | 10/08/1917 | 2/Lt | C. | Findlay | 5 Training Squadron | |
25/11/1916 | 19/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Robert Morton | Findlay | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
26/06/1917 | 26/06/1917 | Lt | W.F. | Findlay | 28 Training Squadron | |
12/10/1917 | 24/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Bernard | Finnigan | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
04/02/1916 | 13/04/1916 | 2/Lt | G.B.J. | Firbank | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | G.A. | Firby | 115 Squadron | |
02/08/1916 | 30/04/1917 | Capt | Hubert Frank | Fisher | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
30/07/1916 | 10/11/1916 | 2/Lt | Henry Errol Ross | Fitchat | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | S.A. |
25/05/1917 | 18/06/1917 | 2/Lt | John Joseph | Fitzgerald | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
05/07/1917 | 23/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Harold | Fitz-Gibbon | 5 Training Squadron | |
12/12/1917 | 26/01/1918 | 2/Lt | A.H. | Fitzmaurice | 54 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
25/03/1918 | 08/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Noel | Fitzpatrick | 28 Training Squadron | |
18/04/1916 | 23/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Harloe Macklem | Fleming | 5 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
Fleming | 73 Squadron | |||||
22/05/1917 | 22/05/1917 | Lt | Arthur Henry Felix | Fletcher | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
06/06/1917 | 05/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Leslie Morley | Fletcher | 71 Squadron | |
12/12/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | R. | Fletcher | 54 Training Squadron | |
01/08/1916 | 01/08/1916 | 2/Lt | William Fred | Fletcher | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
04/12/1917 | 12/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Oscar Thomas | Flight | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
18/12/1917 | 18/12/1917 | Capt | Derwent Pearce | Flockart | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
13/08/1919 | 13/11/1919 | Lt | Sidney Samuel | Flook | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | S.A. |
22/10/1917 | 03/01/1918 | 2/Lt | George David | Floyd | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
11/02/1917 | 11/02/1917 | 2/Lt | Reginald William | Follitt | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
06/02/1918 | 09/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Herbert William | Ford | 74 Training Squadron | |
18/03/1919 | 18/03/1919 | Lt | Lionel Hugh | Forrest | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
13/09/1917 | 25/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Eric Mortimer | Forsyth | 28 Training Squadron | |
16/10/1916 | 22/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Robert Mordaunt | Foster | 54 Squadron | |
01/06/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | G. | Fowle | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
23/12/1916 | 17/05/1917 | Lt | Frank Edward James | Foxall-Smedley | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
01/06/1916 | 16/08/1916 | 2/Lt | William Scott | Frackelton | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | Aus. |
02/05/1919 | 23/07/1919 | Lt | William Scott | Frackelton | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
05/04/1917 | 29/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Arthur Edward | Francis | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
17/04/1917 | 17/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Reginald George D. | Francis | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
15/06/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Charles William Herbert | Franklin | 54 Training Squadron | |
21/07/1917 | 20/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Leslie Nansen | Franklin | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
05/02/1919 | 22/02/1919 | 2/Lt | Albert Oliphant | Fraser | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
21/09/1917 | 13/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Charles George | Fraser | 71 Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
17/02/1918 | 05/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Frederick | Fraser | 54 Training Squadron | |
01/10/1915 | 20/12/1915 | 2/Lt | James Edward Hutton | Freeman | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
03/06/1916 | 27/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Edward Lawrence | French | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | |
19/01/1917 | 11/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Matthew Brown | Frew | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
2/Lt | Froyne | 73 Squadron | ||||
12/04/1916 | 24/05/1916 | Lt | William Mays | Fry | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
16/09/1917 | 14/11/1917 | 2/Lt | D.J. | Fryer | 5 Training Squadron | |
04/09/1917 | 14/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Eric Ottway | Fuller | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
24/03/1916 | 15/06/1916 | 2/Lt | Norman Berwick | Fuller | 5 Reserve Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
01/09/1917 | 30/09/1917 | Lt | Fyfe | 73 Squadron | ||
25/08/1915 | 15/01/1916 | 2/Lt | Frank Harold | Furness-Williams | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron | |
25/03/1918 | 27/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Norman Cobham | Gadsden | 74 Training Squadron | Aus. |
23/10/1917 | 26/11/1917 | Lt | A.T.G. | Gaiger | 5 Training Squadron | |
09/08/1916 | 23/08/1916 | 2/Lt | J.H. | Gale | 54 Squadron | |
23/05/1918 | 12/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Frederick Leslie | Gall | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | Ernest Graham | Gallagher | 115 Squadron | |
30/04/1918 | 06/07/1918 | Cadet | Robert Kirkwood | Galloway | 54 Training Squadron | |
16/01/1918 | 02/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Sydney Edward | Game | 54 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
Lt | S. D. | Gardener | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |||
Lt | C. H. | Gardiner | 19 Squadron | |||
01/12/1917 | 12/10/1919 | 2/Lt | Henry | Gardiner | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
17/07/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Maj | W.E. | Gardner | 115 Squadron | |
15/07/1915 | 10/08/1915 | Lt | George Dudley | Gardner | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
31/10/1919 | 25/11/1919 | 2/Lt | Joseph William | Gardner | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
16/06/1917 | 10/08/1918 | 2/Lt | Sydney Robert | Garnar | 71 Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
11/12/1916 | 20/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Frank Leslie | Garner | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
11/01/1917 | 20/04/1917 | 2/Lt | P.R. | Garner | A.R.S. 25th Wing | |
17/04/1917 | 17/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Leslie Bilsbury | Garson | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
11/08/1915 | 14/08/1916 | 2/Lt | George Archibald | Garveys-Gadd | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron, 5 Reserve Squadron | |
16/03/1917 | 16/07/1917 | Lt | John Harold | Gaudion | HQ 25th Wing | |
01/03/1918 | 25/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Harry Jagger | Gaunt | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
23/07/1917 | 08/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Leslie Everard | Gawthorne | 28 Training Squadron | |
20/03/1917 | 27/04/1917 | 2/Lt | L.S.V. | Gedge | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
01/12/1917 | 06/02/1919 | 2/Lt | Arthur Cecil | Geen | 74 Training Squadron, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
2/Lt | G. | Geen | 19 Squadron | |||
12/05/1917 | 21/05/1917 | Capt | Arthur Edward | Geere | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
23/08/1916 | 13/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Herbert Duncan King | George | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
30/06/1917 | 04/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Owen Christopher | George | 28 Training Squadron | |
27/07/1917 | 08/08/1917 | 2/Lt | George Everard | Gibbons | 5 Training Squadron | |
16/06/1915 | 18/09/1915 | 2/Lt | Claude Manley | Gibson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
13/12/1917 | 13/12/1917 | Lt | Gifford | 73 Squadron | ||
29/09/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Stanley Claude | Gilbert | 5 Training Squadron | |
01/10/1915 | 28/10/1915 | 2/Lt | Alfred Oscar | Gilby | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
25/10/1915 | 25/10/1915 | Lt | Gilby | 19 Squadron | ||
01/08/1916 | 01/08/1916 | Capt | E.L. | Giles | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
02/12/1917 | 02/12/1917 | Lt Col | W.I. | Gill | Western Group Command, Birmingham | |
14/08/1916 | 10/09/1916 | 2/Lt | G.W. | Gillespie | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
30/04/1917 | 04/07/1917 | 2/Lt | J.W. | Gillespie | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
12/12/1917 | 23/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Thomas James | Gillow | 54 Training Squadron | |
20/10/1916 | 06/11/1916 | 2/Lt | Joseph Alexander Gibson | Gilroy | 28 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
13/07/1916 | 01/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Horace Wilfred | Girdlestone | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
26/06/1917 | 01/05/1918 | 2/Lt | John Herbert | Gladding | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston, A.R.S. 25th Wing | |
03/01/1918 | 03/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Arthur Tennyson | Glanville | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
10/02/1916 | 10/04/1916 | Capt | Hugh Fanshawe | Glanville | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
26/02/1919 | 08/03/1919 | Lt | William John | Glanville | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
13/04/1917 | 09/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Edward Southey | Glasse | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
03/06/1916 | 07/06/1917 | 2/Lt | John Victor Ariel | Gleed | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
25/05/1917 | 04/07/1917 | 2/Lt | A.M.T. | Glover | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
16/01/1919 | 16/04/1919 | 2/Lt | Harry Vincent | Glover | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
11/03/1917 | 30/03/1917 | 2/Lt | Albert Earl | Godfrey | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
30/11/1916 | 22/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Stanley Charles | Godfrey | 54 Squadron | |
03/02/1917 | 25/03/1917 | 2/Lt | Percy | Goodbehere | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
14/11/1917 | 14/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Harry King | Goode | 5 Training Squadron | |
30/10/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Albert Ernest | Goodwin | 5 Training Squadron | |
09/08/1917 | 08/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Arthur Newman | Goodwin | 5 Training Squadron | |
31/07/1916 | 03/11/1916 | 2/Lt | N. | Goodwin | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
01/09/1916 | 09/05/1917 | 2/Lt, Lt | Stanley Edward | Goodwin | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
05/02/1919 | 01/03/1919 | Lt | William Harold | Goold | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
01/10/1915 | 26/10/1915 | 2/Lt | George Hall | Gordon | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
09/07/1917 | 12/11/1917 | Maj | H. F. A. | Gordon | 73 Squadron | |
02/08/1916 | 13/10/1916 | 2/Lt | T.H. | Gordon | 54 Squadron | |
25/07/1917 | 18/10/1917 | Capt | Cecil | Gordon-Davis | 71 Squadron | S.A. |
07/04/1916 | 23/05/1916 | 2/Lt | E. | Gordon-Jones | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
08/11/1915 | 30/12/1915 | 2/Lt | Arthur Lionel | Gordon-Kidd | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
16/06/1919 | 11/09/1919 | Lt | James George | Gore | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
12/03/1917 | 12/03/1917 | 2/Lt | James Albert | Gorges | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 12/06/1918 | 2/Lt | William Couper | Goudie | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
09/05/1918 | 09/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Gerald | Gould | Lilbourne | |
14/02/1916 | 10/04/1916 | 2/Lt | John Ringrose (or Ringrove) | Gould | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
12/11/1915 | 19/11/1915 | 2/Lt | A.M. | Goulding | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
25/03/1916 | 25/03/1916 | 2/Lt | J. | Gourlie | 5th Brigade | |
06/09/1916 |
08/09/1916 |
Capt |
E.L. |
Gower |
Officer commanding 28 Reserve Squadron |
04/09/1917 | 06/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Cleveland Raphael | Grace | 5 Training Squadron | |
05/02/1919 | 18/02/1919 | 2/Lt | Edward George | Grafton | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
14/12/1917 | 14/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Gavin Lynedoch | Graham | 73 Squadron | |
18/02/1918 | 04/03/1918 | 2/Lt | George William | Graham | HQ 25th Wing, 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
05/01/1918 | 04/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Sumner Watson | Graham | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
05/02/1916 | 26/04/1916 | 2/Lt | Edward Hamilton | Grant | 5 Reserve Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
01/06/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | E.W. | Grant | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
24/06/1917 | 24/06/1917 | 2/Lt | F. | Grant | 5 Training Squadron | |
01/10/1915 | 26/11/1915 | 2/Lt | Douglas Huon | Gray | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Aus. |
20/07/1917 | 20/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Walter Cecil | Gray | 5 Training Squadron | |
26/02/1919 | 09/10/1919 | 2/Lt | Cyril James | Green | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
01/09/1918 | 30/09/1918 | Lt | Green | 115 Squadron | ||
24/01/1917 | 22/02/1917 | 2/Lt | J.A. | Greenfield | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
15/02/1917 | 30/03/1917 | Lt | Arthur Acraman | Greenslade | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
06/05/1917 | 06/05/1917 | 2/Lt | E. | Greenwood | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
20/01/1916 | 28/06/1916 | Capt | Benjamin Passmore | Greenwood | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
26/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | T.E. | Greer | 115 Squadron | Can. |
27/09/1917 | 27/09/1917 | Lt | Angus Needham | Greg | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
18/05/1916 | 18/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Grenfell | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
26/08/1916 |
27/08/1916 |
Capt |
E.O. |
Grenfell |
28 Reserve Squadron |
09/08/1916 | 03/10/1916 | 2/Lt | The Hon. Maynard | Greville | 54 Squadron | |
25/08/1916 | 10/11/1916 | Lt | Edward | Gribben | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | |
16/10/1915 | 16/10/1915 | Lt | Griffen | 19 Squadron | ||
22/05/1917 | 22/05/1917 | Capt | Cecil Scott | Griffin | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
01/10/1915 | 03/11/1915 | Lt | Ernest Royle Mortimer | Griffin | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Rhodesia |
09/03/1916 | 14/03/1916 | 2/Lt | Griffin | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
19/01/1916 | 18/03/1916 | 2/Lt | R.J. or R.T. | Griffin | 5 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
24/07/1918 | 12/02/1919 | 2/Lt | Alfred Thomas | Griffith | 115 Squadron, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park, No. 5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
14/01/1918 | 28/01/1918 | 2/Lt | John Sharpe | Griffith | 28 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
20/10/1923 | 20/10/1923 | Maj | Griffiths | Armstrong Whitworth | ||
Lt | Griffiths | 73 Squadron | ||||
08/04/1917 | 19/05/1917 | 2/Lt | David Rudolph | Griffiths | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
20/09/1919 | 01/11/1919 | Lt | Stanley Henry | Griffiths | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
19/04/1918 | 24/09/1918 | Lt | Frank Esmond | Gritton | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
29/09/1917 | 06/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Harry Elias | Grove | 5 Training Squadron | |
17/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | John Francis | Guinan | 115 Squadron | |
21/10/1915 | 13/01/1916 | 2/Lt | J.W. | Gunton | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 02/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Henri Francois | Guyon | 74 Training Squadron | Can. |
02/07/1917 | 27/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Norman Edward | Gwyer | 5 Training Squadron | |
02/05/1919 | 21/05/1919 | Lt | Patrick Ffolliott | Gyles | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
30/03/1918 | 02/04/1919 | 2/Lt | William Henry | Hadfield | 74 Training Squadron, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
04/02/1917 | 10/03/1917 | 2/Lt | G.C.T. | Hadrill | 28 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
30/03/1918 | 06/07/1918 | Lt | Austin Elias | Hahn | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
18/05/1916 | 02/06/1916 | 2/Lt | Haig | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
14/07/1917 | 04/09/1917 | 2/Lt | W.W. | Haigh | 5 Training Squadron | |
04/06/1917 | 29/06/1917 | 2/Lt | J.L. | Haight | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
16/07/1917 | 04/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Alfred John | Haines | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
05/10/1917 | 23/11/1917 | 2/Lt | C. J. | Hall | 73 Squadron | |
21/11/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Edward | Hall | 5 Training Squadron | |
31/08/1917 | 18/09/1917 | 2/Lt | George Wilfred | Hall | 71 Squadron | Can. |
12/05/1918 | 27/06/1918 | Cadet | Lambert | Hall | 74 Training Squadron | |
29/12/1917 | 23/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Ralph Gordon | Hall | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
20/10/1918 | 15/02/1920 | Capt | George Spencer | Hallas | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park, A.C.S. Sub-Area 'A' | |
24/07/1917 | 24/07/1917 | 2/Lt | R.A. | Halliday | 71 Squadron | |
Lt | Hallighan | 73 Squadron | ||||
08/11/1918 | 31/01/1919 | Lt | George William | Halstead | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
26/12/1917 | 25/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Stanley Herbert | Hamblin | 28 Training Squadron | |
18/04/1918 | 12/02/1919 | Lt | John Henry Fisher | Hambley or Hambly | HQ 25th Wing, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | Can. |
15/10/1917 | 18/11/1917 | Lt | Etienne Bruno | Hamel | 5 Training Squadron | |
07/01/1918 | 23/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Douglas Reginald | Hamilton | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
22/12/1916 | 22/12/1916 | 2/Lt | E. | Hamilton | 54 Squadron | |
08/05/1917 | 16/10/1917 | Lt | Eric Vivian Colclough | Hamilton | 5 Reserve Squadron | India |
28/02/1919 | 08/03/1919 | 2/Lt | Frazer | Hamilton | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
05/07/1916 | 20/07/1916 | 2/Lt | Hugh Douglas | Hamilton | 5 Reserve Squadron | N.Z. |
07/01/1918 | 19/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Philip Dawson Prior | Hamilton | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
23/01/1918 | 23/01/1918 | 2/Lt | Reginald Douglas | Hamilton | 55 Training Squadron | |
04/05/1917 | 25/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Reuben George | Hammersley | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
Cadet | Hammond | 73 Squadron | ||||
16/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | Joseph Edward | Hammond | 115 Squadron | |
04/05/1918 | 03/12/1918 | 2/Lt | John Edward Clancy | Hammond | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston, 132 Squadron | |
23/01/1918 | 22/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Themetre James | Hammond | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
11/09/1916 | 15/11/1916 | 2/Lt | Maurice Arthur | Hancock | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
15/08/1917 | 25/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Earl McNabb | Hand | 71 Squadron | Can. |
24/01/1917 | 06/02/1917 | 2/Lt | H.P. or N.P. | Hanmer | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
07/12/1915 | 23/02/1916 | 2/Lt | Frederick Russel | Hardie | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
02/03/1918 | 06/07/1918 | Lt | Frederick Lloyd | Harding | 74 Training Squadron, 54 Training Squadron | |
26/03/1917 | 02/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Geoffrey Parker | Harding | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
13/12/1917 | 13/12/1917 | Lt | Hargrave | 73 Squadron | ||
14/03/1917 | 21/07/1917 | 2/Lt | C.A. | Hargreaves | 28 Reserve Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
02/05/1916 | 19/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Howard Redmayne | Harker | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
05/07/1917 | 11/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Cyril William | Harman | 5 Training Squadron | |
08/08/1917 | 24/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Reginald Harry | Harmer | 71 Squadron | |
18/01/1917 | 05/05/1917 | 2/Lt | C.H. | Harriman | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
14/07/1916 | 15/09/1916 | Capt | Arthur Travers | Harris | 38 Squadron | |
12/12/1918 | 28/12/1918 | 2/Lt | Arthur William | Harris | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
20/01/1916 | 26/04/1916 | 2/Lt | G.E. | Harris | 34 Squadron | |
02/05/1919 | 28/06/1919 | 2/Lt | George Frederick | Harris | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
16/12/1916 | 12/01/1917 | Capt | Sydney Herbert Bywater | Harris | HQ 25th Wing | |
20/04/1918 | 13/06/1918 | 2/Lt | John Henry Lionel | Harrison | 54 Training Squadron | |
19/10/1917 | 19/11/1917 | 2/Lt | R. | Harrison | 28 Training Squadron | |
16/08/1917 | 06/08/1918 | Capt | John Archibald | Hartcup | HQ 25th Wing | |
01/06/1916 | 21/01/1917 | 2/Lt | J.B. (sic) |
Hart-Davies | 5 Reserve Squadron | Ivan Beauclerk Hart-Davies was born 1878
in Huntingdon, son of Reverand John Hart-Davis, became an
insurance agent in Rugby and early boy scout leader and
organised the 'Battle of Rugby' in 1912. Still holds the
official record for the fastest solo motorcycle from Lands
End to John O'Groats, achieved in 1911. Gained his pilots
license in 1913 after training by Graham White, often
landing at Rugby and was involved in establishing Lilbourne
aerodrome. 15/04/1916 at 2 School of Aviation before 5
Reserve Sqn - presumably instructed at both units. 19/06/16
to 49 Sqn BUT 27/06/1916 to 55 Sqn at Lilbourne again
presumably as an instructor. 27/07/1917 killed in a crash at
Northolt aerodrome, listed with 35 Training Sqn. Buried at
Southam, Warks close to his father who had been reverand
there until earlier that year. |
11/05/1918 | 11/05/1918 | Lt | Harvey | 74 Training Squadron | ||
08/08/1916 | 11/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Geoffrey Frank | Haseler | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
18/06/1919 | 02/10/1919 | Lt | Percy | Haselock | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
12/11/1916 | 04/02/1917 | 2/Lt | J.A. | Haslam | 5 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
12/12/1917 | 20/02/1918 | 2/Lt | John Herit Winn | Haswell | 54 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
04/05/1918 | 01/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Harold Blake | Hatcher | 28 Training Squadron | |
07/01/1916 | 14/02/1916 | 2/Lt | Trever McDonnell | Hawker | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
18/02/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Alfred Cyril Spencer | Hawkins | 54 Training Squadron | |
15/01/1919 | 09/04/1919 | 2/Lt | Lionel Clive | Hawkins | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
25/08/1916 | 26/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Gerald Eugene | Hawksley | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
09/11/1917 | 09/11/1917 | 2/Lt | George Eric | Haworth | 5 Training Squadron | |
23/07/1917 | 01/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Herman | Haworth | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
14/06/1918 | 06/07/1918 | Lt | Oswald Douglas | Hay | 54 Training Squadron | |
04/02/1918 | 27/06/1918 | 2/Lt | William Francis | Hay | 74 Training Squadron | Can. |
09/03/1918 | 09/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Herbert Colin | Hayes | 28 Training Squadron | |
10/03/1918 | 13/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Howard Tertius | Hayes | 28 Training Squadron | |
12/12/1917 | 27/06/1918 | 2/Lt | John | Haygarth | 54 Training Squadron, 74 Training Squadron | |
05/04/1919 | 28/04/1919 | Capt | Edwin Tufnell | Hayne | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | S.A. |
22/10/1916 | 26/02/1917 | Capt | William Harold | Haynes | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
11/05/1916 | 20/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Hazell | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
12/04/1916 | 28/04/1916 | Lt | Tom Falcon | Hazell | 5 Reserve Squadron | Ireland |
22/03/1918 | 15/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Thos. Douglas | Hazen | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
26/10/1917 | 18/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Norman | Hazlewood | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
12/04/1916 | 27/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Henry Edward | Hazlehurst | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron, 5 Reserve Squadron | |
04/12/1917 | 23/02/1918 | Lt | Francis Vernon | Heakes | 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
08/11/1915 | 13/04/1916 | 2/Lt | William Henry Arthur | Heald | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
01/12/1917 | 31/12/1917 | Lt | Healses | 73 Squadron | ||
14/08/1917 | 06/11/1917 | 2/Lt | E.E. | Heath | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron, 73 Squadron | Can. |
23/01/1918 | 01/03/1918 | 2/Lt | N.M. | Heath | 28 Training Squadron | |
2/Lt | G. | Hedderwick | 19 Squadron | |||
24/03/1916 | 28/04/1918 | 2/Lt | A.D. | Hedgecock | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/10/1917 | 19/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Robert Bernard Taylor | Hedges | 28 Training Squadron | |
Heems | 73 Squadron | |||||
14/07/1917 | 15/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Herbert George | Hegarty | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
08/01/1917 | 17/06/1918 | Capt | Henry Paul Dundas | Helm | HQ 25th Wing | |
15/09/1917 | 02/10/1917 | 2/Lt | William Norman | Hemming | 5 Training Squadron | S.A. |
Hemming | 73 Squadron | |||||
14/08/1917 | 21/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Arthur Ernest | Hempel | 84 Squadron | |
06/10/1917 | 03/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Colin Bryce | Henderson | 28 Training Squadron | |
16/02/1918 | 16/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Charles Robert | Henderson | 28 Training Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 22/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Dudley Cruickshank | Henderson | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
10/08/1916 | 16/08/1916 | 2/Lt | E.J. | Henderson | 54 Squadron | S.A. |
24/12/1915 | 10/02/1916 | Capt | George Lockhart Piercy | Henderson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
25/05/1917 | 24/06/1917 | Capt | Ian Henry David | Henderson | 28 Training Squadron, 19 Squadron | |
30/10/1917 | 30/10/1917 | 2/Lt | T.O. | Henderson | 5 Training Squadron | |
07/01/1918 | 26/02/1918 | Lt | John Bodkin | Henry | 28 Training Squadron | |
30/05/1917 | 30/05/1917 | 2/Lt | A.H. | Hepworth | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
05/07/1917 | 03/08/1917 | 2/Lt | T. | Herald | 5 Training Squadron | |
15/02/1916 | 20/04/1916 | 2/Lt | J.R. | Herbert | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
2/Lt | R. D. | Herman | 19 Squadron | |||
20/04/1918 | 20/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Joseph | Herries | 54 Training Squadron | |
01/06/1916 | 03/07/1916 | 2/Lt | Alan Stanley | Hett | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
23/12/1915 | 25/05/1916 | 2/Lt | George Ellis | Hewson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 34 Squadron | Can. |
12/05/1917 | 21/07/1917 | Lt | Aubrey Talley | Heywood | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
09/08/1915 | 25/08/1915 | 2/Lt | Leo Roy | Heywood | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
28/01/1918 | 20/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Basil Bridgeford | Hick | 28 Training Squadron | |
01/09/1918 | 30/09/1918 | Lt | Hicks | 115 Squadron | ||
28/02/1919 | 09/10/1919 | 2/Lt | Norman | Hickson | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
12/12/1917 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Frank William | Higgins | 54 Training Squadron | |
01/04/1918 | 01/04/1918 | Brig Gen | J.F.A. | Higgins | HQ No.3 Area | |
01/06/1917 | 08/06/1917 | 2/Lt | Lucien Herbert | Higgs | 5 Training Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 30/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Frederick Cornelius | Hilbert | 28 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
22/03/1918 | 17/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Alfred Edgar | Hill | 54 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
28/09/1915 | 26/10/1915 | 2/Lt | C.W. | Hill | 19 Squadron | |
27/11/1917 | 27/11/1917 | 2/Lt | H. | Hill | 5 Training Squadron | |
08/05/1918 | 01/07/1918 | Lt | Howard Vincent Richards | Hill | 28 Training Squadron | |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | Kenneth Vivian | Hill | 115 Squadron | |
16/01/1918 | 10/06/1918 | 2/Lt, Lt | Thomas Wilfred Bell | Hinch | 28 Training Squadron, 74 Training Squadron, 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
11/05/1917 | 28/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Ivan Frank | Hind | 5 Reserve Squadron | S.A. |
08/06/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Charles Arnold | Hinde | 54 Training Squadron | |
14/11/1916 | 24/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Harold Joseph | Hinde | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
01/12/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Sidney | Hirst | 5 Training Squadron | |
13/06/1919 | 11/09/1919 | Lt | William Mallinson | Hirst | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
01/10/1917 | 30/10/1917 | Lt | Hodge | 73 Squadron | ||
25/05/1916 | 15/09/1916 | 2/Lt | John Cyril | Hodges | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
15/03/1919 | 11/09/1919 | Lt | Leonard Frank | Hodges | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
19/04/1918 | 01/10/1918 | Lt | George | Hodgson | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
05/07/1915 | 09/08/1915 | 2/Lt | George Bailey | Hodgson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
11/04/1916 | 24/07/1916 | 2/Lt | W. | Hodgson | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
14/12/1917 | 2/Lt | George Stacey | Hodson | 73 Squadron | ||
25/05/1917 | 16/07/1917 | 2/Lt | William Harold | Hodson | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
30/06/1917 | 05/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Erich Alfred | Hoffgaard | 28 Training Squadron | |
02/12/1917 | 02/12/1917 | Capt | G.A. | Hoffgaard | Western Group Command, Birmingham | |
08/05/1916 | 18/06/1916 | 2/Lt | R. | Hofmeyr | 34 Squadron | |
16/06/1917 | 11/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Benjamin | Holden | 5 Training Squadron | |
04/07/1917 | 24/07/1917 | Lt | Leslie Hubert | Holden | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
01/06/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | R.A. | Holiday | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
18/06/1917 | 26/06/1917 | 2/Lt | Richard Alan | Holiday | 71 Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 24/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Edmund Vincent | Holland | 74 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
06/03/1918 | 30/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Owen Cobb | Holleran | 28 Training Squadron | U.S.A. |
19/12/1917 | 19/12/1917 | Capt | Fred Parkinson | Holliday | HQ Western Group Command, Birmingham | |
28/02/1919 | 10/07/1919 | Lt | Herbert Roy | Hollis | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
16/02/1917 | 11/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Ernest Percy | Holloway | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
31/01/1919 | 31/01/1919 | Lt | George William | Holstead | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
23/05/1916 | 31/05/1916 | Capt | Alwyn Vesey | Holt | 34 Squadron | |
26/12/1917 | 29/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Charles Arthur | Holt | 28 Training Squadron | N.Z. |
28/08/1916 | 13/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Douglas James | Honer | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/04/1918 | 24/09/1918 | Dr | Alfred | Hooper | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
08/07/1916 | 07/10/1916 | Capt | Stanley | Hooper | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
Lt | A. P. | Hope | 19 Squadron | |||
04/02/1916 | 23/05/1916 | 2/Lt | H.C. | Hopkinson | 5 Reserve Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
07/06/1916 | 22/12/1916 | Capt, Maj | Kelham Kirk | Horn | 54 Squadron | Aus. |
24/03/1916 | 19/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Henry Taylor | Horsfield | 5 Reserve Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
08/04/1916 | 12/05/1916 | 2/Lt | Percy George | Horswell | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/01/1918 | 29/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Conrad Simpson | Hosegood | 54 Training Squadron | |
13/06/1917 | 14/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Thomas Francis | Hosking | 71 Squadron | |
01/10/1917 | 01/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Frank Magers Caulfield | Houghton | 5 Training Squadron | |
Houghton | 73 Squadron | |||||
26/12/1917 | 27/09/1919 | 2/Lt, Lt | Richard James | Housden | 28 Training Squadron, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
25/05/1917 | 25/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Cyril Thomas | Houston | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | Can. |
08/03/1918 | 07/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Albert John | Howard | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
23/01/1918 | 20/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Francis | Howard | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
04/07/1917 | 25/07/1917 | Lt | Richard Watson | Howard | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
04/04/1919 | 21/05/1919 | Lt | John | Howard-Brown | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
01/09/1919 | 30/09/1919 | Lt | Howden | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | ||
21/01/1919 | 24/01/1919 | Maj | Gordon Percival | Howe | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | Can. |
29/06/1916 | 02/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Harry Archibald | Howell | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | Aus. |
14/07/1917 | 21/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Percy Campbell | Hoyle | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
30/04/1918 | 14/10/1918 | Lt | Ralph Leonard | Hubball | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
12/11/1917 | 03/07/1918 | Maj | Thomas O'Brian | Hubbard | 73 Squadron | |
12/04/1917 | 27/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Will | Hubbard | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
22/07/1916 | 22/07/1916 | Lt | Hudson | 28 Reserve Squadron | ||
27/11/1916 | 22/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Frank Neville | Hudson | 54 Squadron | |
29/09/1917 | 17/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Gerald | Hudson | 5 Training Squadron | |
10/01/1918 | 01/03/1918 | 2/Lt | David Walker | Hughes | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
19/07/1926 | 19/07/1926 | Douglas | Hughes | Armstrong Whitworth | ||
12/10/1917 | 21/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Ronw Noelwyn | Hughes | 5 Training Squadron | |
16/11/1917 | 15/12/1917 | Capt | Robert Edward Algmer Werge | Hughes-Chamberlain | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
19/05/1916 | 15/06/1916 | 2/Lt | Harry | Hulbert | 5 Reserve Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
02/05/1919 | 18/05/1919 | Capt | Harry | Hulbert | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
17/07/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | Bernard | Humphrey | 115 Squadron | |
17/07/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | D. | Humphrey | 115 Squadron | |
16/08/1915 | 15/10/1915 | Lt | William Rowland Spottiswoode | Humphreys | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
01/01/1918 | 01/02/1918 | Lt | William Rowland Spottiswoode | Humphreys | A.R.S. 25th Wing | |
01/09/1917 | 30/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Hunnis | 73 Squadron | ||
01/06/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | W.G. | Hunnisett | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
06/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | Cyril Frank | Hunt | 115 Squadron | |
12/04/1916 | 24/05/1916 | Capt | Henry John Francis | Hunter | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/10/1917 | 08/12/1917 | 2/Lt | John | Hunter | 5 Training Squadron | |
03/03/1917 | 23/04/1917 | 2/Lt | W.M. | Hurley | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
26/01/1918 | 26/01/1918 | Capt | Leonard Franklyn | Hursthouse | HQ 25th Wing | |
05/06/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Roderick George H. | Hurton | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
23/12/1915 | 23/03/1916 | Lt | George Cameron | Husband | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
21/11/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Charles Leonard | Huskins | 5 Training Squadron | Can. |
01/09/1918 | 30/09/1918 | Lt | Hussie | 73 Squadron | ||
03/06/1918 | 01/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Thomas Holt | Hutchinson | 28 Training Squadron | |
28/01/1916 | 26/04/1916 | 2/Lt | J.G. | Hutt | 34 Squadron | |
20/04/1917 | 19/05/1917 | Capt | Christopher W. Clayton | Hutton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 05/06/1918 | 2/Lt | William Elias | Huxtable | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
22/12/1917 | 24/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Valentine | Hyatt | 73 Squadron | |
07/11/1915 | 05/01/1916 | 2/Lt | Charles Walter | Hyde | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
16/06/1915 | 17/01/1916 | 2/Lt | Edward Roslyn Norman | Hyde | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, A.I.D. | |
16/01/1918 | 31/03/1918 | Lt | Walter Charles | Hyde | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
27/06/1916 | 19/07/1916 | 2/Lt, Lt | Idris-Jones | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
13/05/1918 | 11/06/1919 | Lt | John Seymour | Ingleby | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
14/07/1917 | 04/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Edward Digby | Inskip | 5 Training Squadron | |
31/05/1918 | 31/05/1918 | 2/Lt | James Willard | Ironmonger | 55 Training Squadron | |
11/10/1915 | 31/01/1916 | 2/Lt | Thomas Roy | Irons | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron | Aus. |
29/10/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | George Wellington | Irving | 5 Training Squadron | Can. |
21/11/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | John Campbell | Ivens | 5 Training Squadron | |
28/06/1915 | 23/07/1915 | Lt | Alan Howard | Jackson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | India |
01/09/1916 | 10/11/1916 | 2/Lt | Horace Studley | Jackson | 5 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | |
22/03/1918 | 20/05/1918 | 2/Lt | William Earl | Jackson | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
28/06/1916 | 30/08/1916 | 2/Lt | Edward | Jacot | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/05/1917 | 23/06/1917 | 2/Lt | Conrade William | Jacot | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
05/03/1918 | 09/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Cecil David | James | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
27/08/1915 | 15/10/1915 | 2/Lt | Charles Ernest Hilton | James | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
17/09/1915 | 17/09/1915 | 2/Lt | C.H. | James | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
16/02/1915 | 13/04/1915 | 2/Lt | Herbert Huleatt | James | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
23/09/1916 | 10/11/1916 | 2/Lt | H.V. | James | 54 Squadron | |
22/05/1917 | 05/02/1919 | Lt | John Herbert | James | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
13/05/1918 | 01/07/1918 | Cadet | Joseph Henry | James | 28 Training Squadron | |
01/03/1918 | 11/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Leonard Norman | Jarvis | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | Sidney George | Jary | 115 Squadron | |
20/11/1917 | 20/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Frank Harold | Jefferis | 25th Wing | |
12/12/1917 | 14/03/1918 | 2/Lt | William Barclay Boyd | Jeffrey | 54 Training Squadron | |
01/03/1917 | 22/03/1917 | 2/Lt | Charles Hugh | Jeffs | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
24/01/1917 | 16/03/1917 | 2/Lt | William Edwin | Jenkins | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
31/07/1917 | 11/04/1918 | Lt | Frederick Larson | Jens | 84 Squadron | |
25/07/1917 | 25/07/1917 | Lt | Oliver Mortimer | Johns | 84 Squadron | |
28/07/1915 | 17/08/1915 | 2/Lt | Eric Digby | Johnson | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
01/03/1918 | 11/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Frederick William Lewin | Johnson | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
06/01/1918 | 14/01/1918 | 2/Lt | George | Johnson | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
10/06/1917 | 10/06/1917 | 2/Lt | P.L. | Johnson | 5 Training Squadron | |
2/Lt | R. H. | Johnson | 19 Squadron | |||
01/06/1917 | 29/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Thomas Leslie | Johnson | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
17/05/1916 | 14/06/1916 | Lt | Walter Guy | Johnson | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
01/03/1918 | 06/07/1918 | Maj | Cecil Hubert Ralli | Johnston | 54 Training Squadron | |
18/03/1919 | 21/05/1919 | Lt | Alfred Douglas Ross | Jones | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | S.A. |
30/10/1916 | 18/04/1917 | 2/Lt | Edward Victor | Jones | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
17/11/1917 | 17/11/1917 | 2/Lt | George | Jones | 71 Squadron | |
18/05/1918 | 01/07/1918 | 2/Lt | L.S.R. | Jones | 28 Training Squadron | |
21/06/1917 | 19/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Norman Cyril | Jones | 71 Squadron | |
04/12/1917 | 17/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Rowland Loftus Bristow | Jones | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
20/05/1918 | 20/05/1918 | 2/Lt | S.S.R. | Jones | 28 Training Squadron | |
11/10/1915 | 11/10/1915 | 2/Lt | Trafford | Jones | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
29/05/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | William Harold | Jones | 5 Training Squadron | |
01/06/1918 | 15/07/1918 | 2/Lt | William | Jones | 54 Training Squadron | |
08/11/1917 | 08/11/1917 | Maj | H. F. A. | Jordan | 73 Squadron | |
25/09/1917 | 22/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Leslie Clarence | Jordan | 5 Training Squadron | |
18/02/1918 | 06/05/1918 | Lt | Jim | Joy | 74 Training Squadron | |
27/04/1918 | 27/04/1918 | V.W. | Joyce | |||
02/05/1919 | 21/05/1919 | Lt | Herbert Edward | Judge | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
31/08/1917 | 21/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Daniel Sievewright | Judson | 5 Training Squadron, 71 Squadron | |
26/11/1917 | 26/11/1917 | Judson | 73 Squadron | |||
01/12/1917 | 19/12/1917 | Lt | Hugh Fleming | Jupp | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
01/07/1918 | 31/07/1918 | Lt | Jurby | 115 Squadron | ||
20/09/1918 | 01/05/1919 | Lt | Arthur Lewis | Jurd | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
13/10/1917 | 26/11/1917 | Lt | Henry Richard | Kavanagh | 28 Training Squadron | |
25/05/1917 | 16/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Harry | Keeton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
22/12/1918 | 22/12/1918 | 2/Lt | Jennings | Keif | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | Can. |
11/09/1917 | 22/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Albert Walter | Keight | 5 Training Squadron | |
27/01/1918 | 27/01/1918 | 2/Lt | G. P. | Kells | 59 Training Squadron | |
04/06/1917 | 23/07/1917 | 2/Lt | Augustine Patrick | Kelly | 28 Training Squadron | |
07/04/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | James MacDowall | Kelly | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
13/10/1917 | 13/10/1917 | 2/Lt | William James | Kelsey | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
04/12/1917 | 01/04/1918 | Cadet | P.A. | Kennedy | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
05/01/1917 | 07/02/1917 | Capt | William John Charles | Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick | HQ 25th Wing | |
27/07/1916 | 11/08/1916 | 2/Lt | David McConnell | Kerr | 5 Reserve Squadron | S.A. |
25/05/1916 | 19/06/1916 | 2/Lt | James | Kerr | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
01/06/1917 | 10/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Launcelot Spencer | Kiggell | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
01/03/1917 | 07/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Charles Joseph | Killeen | 5 Reserve Squadron, 71 Squadron | |
26/11/1917 | 26/11/1917 | Kidd | 73 Squadron | |||
06/10/1917 | 06/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Alexander John Gavin | King | 71 Squadron | S.A. |
30/10/1917 | 30/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Claude Percival | King | 5 Training Squadron | |
30/10/1916 | 06/12/1916 | 2/Lt | D.B. | King | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
29/12/1915 | 06/10/1916 | Lt, Capt | Douglas Maitland | King | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
01/10/1917 | 30/10/1917 | King | 73 Squadron | |||
19/01/1918 | 27/01/1918 | Capt | King | 74 Training Squadron | ||
05/06/1917 | 05/12/1917 | Capt | Gerald James | King | 28 Training Squadron | |
01/08/1917 | 14/09/1917 | 2/Lt | John Leo | King | 5 Training Squadron | |
16/11/1917 | 25/11/1917 | 2/Lt | Roy | King | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
05/05/1917 | 05/05/1917 | 2/Lt | William Lyttle | King | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
31/08/1917 | 03/12/1917 | Lt | William Seely | King | 5 Training Squadron | |
30/05/1917 | 21/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Walter Ross | Kingsland | 5 Reserve Squadron, 71 Squadron, 84 Squadron | Can. |
30/06/1917 | 30/06/1917 | Capt | R. | Kingsley Pillars | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
16/02/1918 | 01/03/1918 | 2/Lt | B.L. | Kirk | 28 Training Squadron | Aus. |
21/06/1917 | 22/07/1917 | Lt | Robert Kirkby | Kirkman | 71 Squadron | |
11/05/1917 | 28/05/1917 | 2/Lt | J.R. | Kirkness | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
16/08/1918 | 09/01/1919 | Capt | Henry | Kirton | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
29/11/1916 | 06/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Francis Mansell | Kitto | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
26/06/1916 | 17/07/1916 | 2/Lt | Geoffrey | Knight | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
08/08/1916 | 29/09/1916 | Lt | Geoffrey Featherstone | Knight | 54 Squadron | |
11/08/1918 | 11/08/1918 | 2/Lt | V.C. | Knowles | 115 Squadron | |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | W. | Knowles | 115 Squadron | |
02/05/1917 | 01/06/1917 | Lt | H.S. | Kossov | 5 Reserve Squadron | Russia |
19/06/1917 | 28/02/1918 | 2/Lt | Edmund Otto | Krohn | 84 Squadron | |
01/06/1917 | 26/06/1917 | 2/Lt | J. | Kyle | 5 Training Squadron | |
30/10/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Sidney | Laban | 5 Training Squadron | |
11/05/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | H.W. | Laird | 5 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
19/03/1918 | 01/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Richard Nathaniel | Lamb | 28 Training Squadron | |
05/01/1917 | 06/05/1917 | 2/Lt, Capt | William Clement | Lambert | HQ 25th Wing | |
03/07/1916 | 11/08/1916 | 2/Lt | H. | Lambourne | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
08/12/1916 | 08/02/1919 | Lt, Capt | Alfred Gilmer | Lamplugh | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron, 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
21/11/1918 | 06/09/1919 | 2/Lt | Ernest | Lancaster | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
Lt | C. I. | Lancefield | 5 Training Squadron | Aus. | ||
19/02/1919 | 10/04/1919 | 2/Lt | Francis Henry | Lane | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
16/11/1917 | 15/02/1918 | 2/Lt | George Edward | Lane | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
02/04/1917 | 14/06/1917 | Capt | Andrew | Lang | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
Capt | Lang | 73 Squadron | ||||
08/01/1918 | 27/06/1918 | Lt | James | Langlands | 54 Training Squadron, 74 Training Squadron | |
07/01/1916 | 08/02/1916 | Lt | John William | Langmuir | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
22/11/1916 | 20/12/1916 | 2/Lt | T. | Langwill | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
2/Lt | Larkin | 19 Squadron | ||||
Lt | Jens Frederick | Larsen | 84 Squadron | U.S.A. | ||
12/12/1917 | 26/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Edgar George | Latham | 54 Training Squadron | |
12/10/1917 | 29/11/1917 | 2/Lt | John Christmas | Latham | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
25/09/1915 | 19/11/1915 | 2/Lt | James Douglas | Latta | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
24/03/1918 | 24/03/1918 | 2/Lt | Francis Kenneth | Laver | Lilbourne | |
02/12/1917 | 21/01/1919 | 2/Lt | Robert | Law | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
12/04/1916 | 18/05/1916 | 2/Lt | John William Southwell | Lawlor | 5 Reserve Squadron | Ireland |
11/05/1917 | 28/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Ian Hamish | Lawrence | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
07/11/1917 | 18/12/1917 | 2/Lt | Alexander Vernon | Lawson | 71 Squadron | Aus. |
08/07/1916 | 11/08/1916 | 2/Lt | John Francis | Lawson | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
21/11/1917 | 21/11/1917 | 2/Lt | R. G. | Lawson | 73 Squadron | |
05/09/1916 | 16/09/1916 | 2/Lt | J.B. | Lawton | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
16/01/1916 | 03/10/1916 | 2/Lt | Edwin Noel | Layton | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
24/03/1916 | 28/04/1916 | 2/Lt | L.N. | Leyton | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
03/10/1916 | 07/11/1917 | Lt | Edwin Noel | Layton | HQ 25th Wing | |
08/02/1917 | 05/04/1917 | 2/Lt | James Marlow | Leach | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
08/03/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | William Henry | Leaf | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
17/03/1917 | 29/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Gerald Alfred | Learn | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | Can. |
17/06/1918 | 01/07/1918 | Lt | Phillip Digby | Learoyd | 28 Training Squadron | |
18/07/1917 | 03/04/1918 | Capt | Kenneth Graham | Leask | 84 Squadron | |
07/11/1915 | 06/04/1916 | Lt | Patrick Alexander Ogilvie | Leask | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 34 Squadron | Can. |
19/06/1916 | 21/10/1916 | 2/Lt | Ronald Fishwick | Leather | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
24/11/1915 | 14/01/1916 | Lt | R.T. | Leather | 19 Squadron | |
2/Lt | Maurice | LeBlanc-Smith | 73 Squadron | |||
11/12/1916 | 27/02/1917 | 2/Lt | Harold Partington | Ledger | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
17/01/1918 | 04/04/1918 | 2/Lt | Cyril Riches | Lee | 54 Training Squadron | |
25/02/1919 | 12/04/1919 | Lt | Percy Stuart Ledger | Lee | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
05/11/1915 | 06/12/1915 | 2/Lt | Stanley Burdett Dickenson | Lee | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
16/11/1916 | 22/12/1916 | Capt | A. | Lees | 54 Squadron | |
21/06/1916 | 20/07/1916 | Lt, Capt | Henry Sidney | Lees-Smith | 5 Reserve Squadron | India |
05/07/1917 | 17/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Christopher Benjamin Henry | Lefroy | 5 Training Squadron | Can. |
30/03/1917 | 03/05/1917 | 2/Lt | John Edwin | Le Gallais | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
06/11/1915 | 28/12/1915 | 2/Lt | Reginald Walter | Le Gallais | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
26/09/1916 | 13/11/1916 | W. | Legge | 5 Reserve Squadron | ||
12/11/1916 | 11/02/1917 | Sub-Lt | Walter Holden | Legge | 5 Reserve Squadron, 55 Squadron | |
21/08/1916 | 30/12/1916 | 2/Lt | Patrick Sylvester | Leigh | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
19/04/1918 | 19/04/1918 | Lt | Sidney Angus | Leith | 38 Squadron | |
08/03/1919 | 21/05/1919 | 2/Lt | William | Leith | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | Can. |
09/01/1916 | 21/01/1916 | 2/Lt | L.L. | Leleu | 19 Squadron | |
16/06/1915 | 18/10/1915 | 2/Lt | Cyril Mountain | Leman | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
08/11/1916 | 20/01/1917 | Lt | L.L.L. | Leman | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
21/06/1917 | 14/09/1917 | 2/Lt | Harry Nelson | Lett | 71 Squadron, 28 training Squadron | |
29/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | Lt | N. | Lett | 115 Squadron | |
15/01/1919 | 15/01/1919 | 2/Lt | A.W. | Lewis | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
25/05/1917 | 28/06/1917 | 2/Lt | Francis Alexander | Lewis | 5 Reserve Squadron | U.S.A. |
01/09/1916 | 10/08/1917 | 2/Lt | G.E. | Lewis | 5 Reserve Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
04/06/1917 | 05/10/1917 | 2/Lt | Granville Vernon Loch | Lewis | 28 Training Squadron | Born Melbourne, Australia but had settled & married in England by 1912 |
30/09/1917 | 30/09/1917 | 2/Lt | John Vincent | Lewis | 5 Training Squadron | |
01/11/1916 | 18/02/1917 | 2/Lt | Maynard Pearce | Lewis | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
14/06/1917 | 14/06/1917 | 2/Lt | S.A. | Lewis | 5 Training Squadron | |
01/10/1915 | 27/10/1915 | Capt | Stanley Evlyn | Lewis | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | S.A. |
01/11/1917 | 01/11/1917 | 2/Lt | W. | Lienard | HQ Western Group Command, Birmingham | |
13/05/1918 | 27/06/1918 | 2/Lt | John Eric | Lilley | 74 Training Squadron | |
2/Lt | F. H. | Lincoln | 5 Reserve Squadron | |||
21/08/1916 | 13/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Arthur | Lindley | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
02/05/1917 | 01/06/1917 | 2/Lt | G.M. | Ling | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
20/04/1917 | 26/05/1917 | 2/Lt | P.A. | Ling | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
14/07/1917 | 26/07/1917 | 2/Lt | O.W. | Lingham | 5 Training Squadron | Can. |
28/02/1919 | 25/04/1919 | 2/Lt | Silas Montague | Linkletter | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | U.S.A. |
22/05/1917 | 22/05/1917 | Capt | Percy H. | Linthune | 1 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
23/09/1916 | 16/03/1917 | 2/Lt | Ronald Edward | Littell | 54 Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
25/09/1917 | 07/12/1917 | 2/Lt | R.A. | Livingstone | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
26/10/1917 | 26/10/1917 | 2/Lt | G.D. | Lloyd | 28 Training Squadron | |
30/03/1917 | 06/04/1917 | Lt | Thomas Ifor Llewellyn | Lloyd | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
21/05/1919 | 21/05/1919 | 2/Lt | Walter Henry Eric | Loaden | No.5 S.D.P. Edgbaston | |
07/01/1918 | 07/01/1918 | 2/Lt | A.C. | Lobley | 54 Training Squadron | |
23/09/1916 | 30/10/1916 | Capt | G.B. | Lockhart | 28 Reserve Squadron, 54 Squadron | |
22/09/1915 | 15/10/1915 | 2/Lt | Robert Archibald | Logan | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | Can. |
21/12/1916 | 28/01/1917 | Lt | A.P. | Long | 5 Reserve Squadron | |
16/11/1915 | 02/01/1918 | 2/Lt, Capt | Selden Herbert | Long | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
13/09/1915 | 15/10/1915 | 2/Lt | William Henry Thorp | Long | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
01/04/1918 | 01/04/1918 | Maj. Gen. | C.A.H. | Longcroft | HQ No.3 Area | |
07/06/1918 | 06/07/1918 | 2/Lt | James Alfred | Longley | 54 Training Squadron | Can. |
12/12/1917 | 12/12/1917 | 2/Lt | R. | Longman | 54 Training Squadron | |
04/12/1917 | 02/03/1918 | 2/Lt | A.R. | Looker | 28 Training Squadron | |
01/12/1917 | 31/12/1917 | Lt | Lookser | 73 Squadron | ||
30/05/1917 | 10/08/1917 | 2/Lt | Theodore Vernon | Lord | 5 Reserve Squadron, 84 Squadron | |
10/05/1917 | 31/05/1917 | 2/Lt | Nigel Borland | Love | 5 Reserve Squadron | Aus. |
17/01/1918 | 01/07/1918 | 2/Lt | Frank Richard | Lovell | 54 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
01/07/1916 | 24/10/1916 | Capt | E.L.M. | Loveson-Gower | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
29/09/1915 | 31/05/1916 | 2/Lt, Lt | Reginald John | Lowcock | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 19 Squadron, 34 Squadron | |
01/06/1917 | 01/04/1918 | Capt | Cyril Nelson | Lowe | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
05/11/1915 | 18/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Allan Maxwell | Lowery | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron, 28 Reserve Squadron | |
03/02/1919 | 09/04/1919 | 2/Lt | Thomas Bottomley | Lowton | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
23/08/1918 | 29/08/1918 | 2/Lt | Henry Ralph | Lucovich | 115 Squadron | |
28/06/1915 | 28/07/1915 | 2/Lt | Richard Spencer | Lucy | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
03/01/1917 | 17/01/1917 | 2/Lt | R.S. | Lucy | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
28/01/1918 | 28/01/1918 | Cadet | Lloyd | Ludwig | 28 Training Squadron | |
30/08/1916 | 11/09/1916 | 2/Lt | Follett Britton | Luget | 54 Squadron | |
12/12/1917 | 06/05/1918 | 2/Lt | Arnold Ernest | Lundie | 54 Training Squadron | |
27/07/1917 | 11/10/1917 | Lt | Archibald Charles | Lutyens | 5 Training Squadron, 28 Training Squadron | |
03/06/1915 | 23/06/1915 | 2/Lt | Kenelm | Lyall | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
28/11/1916 | 20/12/1916 | 2/Lt | J.V. | Lyle | 28 Reserve Squadron | |
12/11/1915 | 06/04/1916 | 2/Lt | J.J. | Lynch | 5 Reserve Aeroplane Squadron | |
09/09/1918 | 19/02/1919 | Lt | Harold George | Lyne | 14 Aircraft Acceptance Park | |
13/05/1918 | 27/06/1918 | 2/Lt | Harold | Lyne | 74 Training Squadron | |
16/02/1918 |
14/03/1918 |
2/Lt |
Bowden |
Lynn-Kirk |
28 Training Squadron |
Aus. |
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